Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Fall fashion is for fall.

As much as I love to look good, there are several reasons why I've sort of always peered into the world of fashion from the sidelines.  It's fun to explore every so often, but it's not what makes me tick, you know?  Now that the trees are starting to bloom and there are pretty little tulips in my garden, I've been alerted to one of the reasons that I will never be on the cutting edge of fashion.  Here it is.  Spring is just too important to me, and I refuse to skip over it.  In fact, fashion asks me not just to skip over it for summer's sake, but in the name of fall.  That, my fashiony friends, is simply too much to ask.  Every April, just as I am finally waking up for the year, seeing things more clearly, breathing more deeply, admiring nature's pastels, I am bombarded with browns and tweeds and leathers and this year, of all things, FURS.  I understand, maybe, that somewhere in southern California or Hawaii, these things are ok - maybe even exciting - considering the lack of seasonal variation.  As a Canadian, however, I profoundly object.  I might go so far as to say that I am offended.  Maybe even violated.  All winter, I wait patiently while I gradually all but disappear into white walls, growing more bear-like in size as my metabolism hibernates in a cave of occasional SAD.  In the throes of winter, the summer selections on the runways mock me more than comfort me.  "Hahaha," they laugh, "maybe you can wear me if you lose at least 10 pounds and Toronto GETS a summer this year!" (Apparently, expert senior forecaster with, Joe *actual name* Bastardi, was right last year when he said that 2009 was shaping up to be "the year without a summer").  All this considered, it's no surprise that fashion just doesn't excite me.  They're already working two seasons ahead of the game; couldn't the fashion designers of the world all just agree to kick it up a notch and focus on creating the looks for one year from now? That way, in April, I'd be seeing what will be hot next April.  And there would be no danger of me cheating and wearing next year's looks this year because nobody but the exclusive designers will have had a chance to make any of those clothes yet.  Plus, I'd be too busy actually enjoying the weather to worry about it.  Who's game?

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